The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)

THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1966 SECTION 1 PACKS TELEVISION, RADIO, STORTS, FINANCIAL, AND COMICS 2,500 Low-Pay State Employes Given Raises Governor Orders Crackdown to Stop Highway Slaughter Despite previous crackdowns by state police, the traffic death toll has been mounting and will be higher than ever this year unless the trend is somehow reversed. Breathitt's statement came as the state's road toll stood at 328 dead compared with 261 in the corresponding period last year. Adding to the frustration, state police officials said, is the apparent haphazard NOTHING TO IT This pronouncement, by gesture, of And Awa-a-a-a-y We Go Parachute Gub. They will demonstrate skydiving techniques as a part of the celebration of Armed Forces Day Saturday. The post plans a number of other demonstrations and exhibits.

he begins his descent to a Fort Campbell drop zone. These are members of the post's Sports seems to be the the skydiver as Right Taken From Mine pattern of highway fatalities. Countless statistics on accidents in the past few months have been fed into a computer, but no perceptible trend has turned up for which an immediate remedy can be prepared. Breathitt also called for citizen support. "People must want traffic safety," he said.

"They must look on good driving and safe driving as proper and desirable. They must be willing to pay the penalty in courts and be willing to support the public officials who do enforce the law." The governor said he also is writing the mayors of all citiics and towns and county and traffic Judges asking them to Join the campaign. On a television program last night, he also answered questions from a news panel on these subjects: Parole investigation Breathitt said he has not seen the secret evidence that the Jefferson County Grand Jury considered which now has been turned over to a Franklin County Jury also investi-gating the parole board operation. iAuto inspection The effective date of compulsory annual inspection was delayed until January 1968. Breathitt said, so that Kentucky would not undergo the experience of other states that rushed into the system too quickly and made mistakes.

Antlpoverty program Errors are being made in the war against poverty, the governor said, but this does not mean the entire program is a mess, as come critics contend. Fourth District congressional race Breathitt said he thinks Democratic candidates John Moloney of Covington and Jim Poston of Campbell County would make good congressmen but is not taking sides. However, Poston has charged the governor is backing Moloney. Car Passenger Killed in Crash tMcitl It CMrlK-Jtwrnil HENDERSON, Ky. Mrs.

Mary Bell Butler, 47, of Hebbardsvllle in Henderson County, was killed yesterday when the station wagon in which she was a passenger went out of control on rain-soaked KY 94 seven miles east of Henderson. The car was driven by her husband, Joseph William Butler, 47. Mrs. Butler was thrown from the car before it left the road and overturned. Coroner Fred Allen Tapp said Mrs.

Butler died of internal injuries. The funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Friday at the Tapp Funeral Home. occupation of recovering metal from abandoned mines. Steel, mostly from abandoned rail lines, was bringing $1.20 per 100 pounds on the scrap market.

Copper commanded 80 cents a pound. The copper in this mine, known as the Ross Blondell operation, was deep inside the mine. Couch and Hatton had purchased rights to the metal, but they lacked one other legal prerequisite. They hadn't obtained a permit from the state to enter the mine. Permits are required if the mine has been abandoned 60 days or longer.

This one was abandoned in 1963. Jerry Feltner, captain of the Perry County Rescue Squad, said odds were that the men would have been denied entrance permits. He said the timbers that once supported the mine roof were decayed. There were no crossbeams, and there were more than 100 rockfalls inside the mine," Feltner said. Rescuers Guess Lost Men By KYLE VANCE Ctvrltr-Murnil ltH Wrlttr HAZARD, Ky.

Two men, lost in the dungeon darkness of an abandoned coal mine for 22 hours, were led to safety yesterday after a recovery effort which beat long odds. Charles Couch, 38, and Paul Hatton 40, each the father of three children, lost their way in the criss-crossing passageways while searching for steel and copper for sale as scrap. Neither was an experienced miner, and neither had knowledge of the low-hanging tunnels and rooms that were mined out years ago. They faced nearly hopeless mcnt when their carbide lamps went out two hours after their entry at 1 p.m. Tuesday.

Team Worked Against Odds Rescue teams worked against odds when they selected two of about seven openings to look for the men. Other possible entries had been blocked by a series of rockfalls. The most recent rockfall, believed to have occurred Tuesday, was suspected of having crushed the men. Their "buggy," used to pull out the metal, was outside this entrance. At another entrance, the rescue workers, made up of state and federal inspectors and the Perry County Rescue Squad, found a nearly full can of carbide, Hatton's wristwatch, a bottle used for drinking water, and some tools.

Entrances other than these two were chosen because they provided easier By HUGH MORRIS CourHr-Journil Stall Wrlttr FRANKFORT, Edward T. Breathitt yesterday approved a six-point package of changes in the state personnel rules, including a raise for 2,500 employes at the bottom of the state pay scale. The minimum pay rate for most full-time employes is raised from $180 to $219 per month. The revisions were proposed by the Department of Personnel and approved by the Personnel Board and the Department of Finance. Personnel Commissioner Walter Gattis emphasized that the approved changes are not "across the board" raises for all state employes.

Other changes, effective July 1, are: j' Reduction of the present 48 pay grades to 23. Gattis noted that the federal government, with its 2.3 million employes, has only 18 pay grades. "Cutting down on the number of pay grades will result in a more efficient and equitable compensation (Change from seven to eight steps in each pay grade. Gattis explained that the additional step will enable employes with more than 11 years of service in the same pay grade to receive a 5 per cent pay increase. Experienced employes who have had a break in service can return without sacrificing longevity benefits.

Top salary for physicians is raised to $22,584. "This particular change." Gattis said, "should help the state recruit and retain doctors. Under our present salary limits, it has been impossible to recruit and retain an adequate professional staff for the state's six mental health institutions and six tuberculosis hospitals." Another rule change will permit the same percentage increaase for both long-term and short-time employes when a Job is reclassified. Some long-term employes now get smaller percentage raises than recently-employed personnel. "The cost of raising employes now below the $219 per month minimum is estimated at $300,000 per year, and was included in departmental budgets for the next biennium," Gattis said.

"Other costs will not exceed amounts appropriated for regular increments and a few Job reclassifications," he added. State Auditor Fined for Hitting Youth FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) State Auditor Henry Carter was fined $100 and costs yesterday after he pleaded guilty, through his attorney, to a breach-of the peace charge. Carter was charged Monday on a warrant taken by Calvin Douglas, 18. Douglas said the state auditor hit him in his office.

ability to recognize outstanding candidates when they're on the field. only grateful that these are all outside-Kentucky people and have no vote in the primary." (He noted that Thompson had criticized him when Americans for Constitutional Action, a group headquartered outside Kentucky, endorsed Snyder. "Looks like it cuts both ways," said Snyder. "Maybe this action on the part of these pseudo-Republicans of his will make him (Thompson) keep his mouth a bit more tightly closed in regard to my endorsem*nt by ACA. He might even be-gin to exercise a little common Taft Says Thompson Can Win Taft said Republicans for Progress is opposing Snyder, a former congressman, because he is "unrepresentative of Republican principles." "Thompson can win," Taft said, "and his civic and business record, to say nothing of his statewide Republican service, make him a sound and effective candidate, sure to win in November." The primary election is Tuesday.

Taft said he was "sorry personally" to oppose Ratterman. "I sympathize entirely with Northern Kentucky in their annoyance with the reapportionments that first made them the tail to Danville's kite, and then Louisville's," Taft said. "But the votes are west of Boone County, and as a practical political matter Ratterman cannot defeat Snyder. Nominating Snyder will do nothing for reapportionment," he added. Taft described Republicans for Prog, ress as a moderate group, "primarily concerned with helping representatives and senators, liberal and conservative, establish intelligent Republican positions on the many issues where the Democrats have fallen down badly." Henderson Man Killed In Combat in Viet Nam HENDERSON, Ky.

(AP)-Pfc. Ken-neth E. Duncan, 21, Henderson, has been killed in combat in Viet Nam. Duncan died Tuesday but the Defense Department gave no details in its telegram to his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Clarence Duncan. Pram AP ni SMcitl DitMtchM FRANKFORT, Ky. Gov. Edward T. Breathitt ordered State Police yesterday to launch an all-out traffic safety crackdown "until the needless slaughter on our highways is reduced." Specifically, the governor said he had asked state police to set up round-the-clock "roving roadblocks" in an effort to curb soaring highway fatalities.

"Power generators, which will permit us to establish night roadblocks, have been ordered and will be placed in operation prior to the Memorial Day holiday weekend," Breathitt said. "The inspectors will watch for the drinking driver who is a major menace on our highways and the drivers who are unlicensed or under suspension." The governor said State Police also will step up their use of radar for speed detection, and use of the sky patrol, whereby speeding autos are spotted and clocked by low-flying planes. Homeowners Often Victims Of Fraud CLEVELAND (AP) Fraudulent advertising on a national scale is practiced most widely in the field of home improvements, the attorney general of Wisconsin said yesterday at a national convention. Atty. Gen.

Bronson C. LaFollctte, in a panel discussion on consumer fraud, singled out fraudulent advertising in siding, roofing and furnace repair. LaFollette pointed out that victims of home-improvement frauds are fast-talked into quick deals without reading the fine print in contracts. "Michigan has passed a law which makes home-improvement contracts voidable at the option of the buyer," he said. "The buyer may give either a 24- or 48 hour notice of cancellation," LaFollette added.

He was on the panel with Attys. Gen. Robert Matthews of Kentucky and Robert W. Mattson of Minnesota. The attorneys general are holding their 60th annual convention here.

Matthews, the panel chairman, said all states have similar problems in trying to protect the public from unethical business operations, but it would appear to be best for each state to handle its problems individually. Matthews described one typical unethical operation as the "pyramid club." In this type of operation, Matthews said, overpriced merchandise is sold and a refund promised to the buyer if the buyer will furnish the names of potential customers. The buyer rarely gets the promised refund, however, Matthews said. Low Ebb? GOP Seeks Poll Workers Through State Job Service OWENSBORO, Ky. Interest in Tuesday's primary crashed to a new low or hit a new pinnacle or something like that yesterday.

The State Employment Service office here acknowledged it had received a call to help recruit Republican precinct Officers. Roy C. Russell, office manager, said his staff is under the Hatch Act but he added that he was advised to treat the request as a routine one to find people to take jobs. He said he was handicapped by the fact that the several hundred cards on file from Job applicants here list no political party affiliation. There art 60 precincts In Owensboro and Daviesa County, each of which need two Republican officers for the 12-hour balloting on Tuesday.

Pay here is $10 for each officer or 83 13 cents an hour. Sheriff George Keown, Democratic chairman of the county election commission, uid he was confident he would have ample Democrats to serve in the primary. Registered Democrats here outnumber Republicans 6 to 1. Suspect Taken Off Loaded Bus frtm kf 4 SMcial OltMlcMt BOWLING GREEN. Ky.

A 23 year-old Nashville, man was taken from a loaded bus yesterday and charged with a $4,600 bank robbery at Nolensville, Tenn. Jerry A. Pinkston was arrested by FBI agents and state and city police. FBI agents said an informant notified FBI headquarters at Nashville that the man was on the bus bound for Louisville. Agents at Bowling Green were notified about 15 minutes before the bus arrived at 4 p.m.

and IS officers converged on the station. There were about 40 passengers on the bus as agents boarded it, surrounded Pinkston, whom they thought was armed, and arrested him. Pinkston was not armed and offered no resistance. Agents took him from Bowling Green to Nashville a short time later. Officers said extradition was not required on a federal bank robbery charge.

Two men held up the Nolensville branch of the Harpeth National Bank of Franklin, on last Feb. 10, using a shotgun. Another man was arrested earlier in the case. In 4 th District Primary Taft-Led GOP Group Endorses Thompson access to the mine's depths, and because the rescuers could work from them to positions behind the newest rockfall. Prospects promised exploration of miles of passageways that catacombed the No.

7 seam at near mountain-top level above Lotts Creek. As it happened, the right entrance was one of the two chosen. The team at this entrance used up 1,000 feet of communication cable to the outside and branched out to the surrounding corridors. Inside, they had picked up the smell of smoke. Their directions were dictated by the pungency of this smell, recognized as the burning of insulation on copper wire.

"The first time we hollered we got an answer," said one of the rescuers later. "They hollered back and we didn't have any trouble at all." Couch and Hatton were led to the daylight at 11:05 a.m. yesterday, just an hour and 33 minutes after the rescue teams entered the old mine. Glad to See Sky Blackened, tired and hungry, each of the men described as "wonderful" the experience of seeing the skies again. "We burned the cables and that's all that saved us (from the cold and darkness)" Hatton said.

"We wouldn't have ever found our way out by ourselves. Couch agreed. "Time was running out," he said. "The cables were almost gone. We didn't give up.

We sort of believed somebody was looking for us." Couch and Hatton had picked up the Stiff PhMt at UL Others recognized included the fol- lowing Kentuckiana midshipmen: Michael Evans of Louisville, the Sixth District Veterans of Foreign Wars Junior medal for improvement Barton C. Gohmann of New Albany, the American War Mothers gold medal for devotion to country and awareness of responsibility to the Navy. James M. Larkins of Louisville, the General Dynamics award for being the outstanding midshipman in the NROTC flight program. CINCINNATI (AP)-Republicans for Progress, a national organization headed by Charles P.

Taft of Cincinnati, yesterday endorsed James Thompson for the Republican nomination in the new 4th Congressional District in Kentucky. Thompson is from Jefferson County, and was picked by Republicans for Progress over Gene Snyder, also from Jefferson County, and George Ratter-man, former Campbell County Sheriff. Taft said his group has also entered the primary in California, backing George Christopher against Ronald Reagan in the Republican primary for governor. (Informed of the group's action, Snyder said yesterday, "I am not surprised that this outift would take this position. They are also opposing Ronald Reagan.

This is indicative of their in- Western Act In Controversy Is Supported BOWLING GREEN, Ky (AP) A resolution supporting the handling of an off-campus publication controversy at Western Kentucky State College wis announced yesterday by the Sons of the American Revolution in Kentucky. The resolution praises Western President Kelly Thompson for "setting moral and ethical climate" at the school. Thompson ordered four students suspended after an off-campus magazine which they published was found objectionable. The four were readmitted to class on the strength of a restraining order, and the Board of Regents later voted to re-admit the students. The resolution, forwarded to Thompson, praised the offsetting of "any tendency toward a 'Berkeley In Bowling The group yesterday noted that Thompson "upheld the faculty commit-tee of Western In maintaining moral standards for campus and off-campus publications by proper disciplining of students." Reference was made to criticism leveled by the Kentucky Civil Liberties Union's freedom committee "and some sections of the press" against the handling of the case.

'it SPRING REVIEW of the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps was held in the Naval Science Building on the University of Louisville campus after rain blocked ceremonies in the quadrangle. Top Naval Cadets Honored Midshipmen William R. Inlow and Charles L. Phillips received swords yesterday as outstanding graduates of the University of Louisville's Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps program. Inlow, of 4923 Poplar Level Road, was also presented a medal for high academic achievement and service aptitude.

He was in the Navy program. Phillips, of Hartford, the outstanding Marine graduate, also received two marksmanship awards. The honors were handed out during the NROTC's spring review and awards ceremony. Company, commanded by Charles IL Gnerlich, received the color pennant as winner of intercompany competition from Miss Annette Gohmann, the Navy Queen. Chicago Tribune medals for academic achievement and aptitude for service were presented to Inlow, John E.

Bell, Victor P. Orlandi and Joseph C. Bisti. More Kentucky News On Page 1 4, Section A.

The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)


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