Reading Times from Reading, Pennsylvania (2024)

i KS5 Page Eight BASKETBALL EASTERN LEAGUE Slxmling of the Clubs. AV. L. P.C. Reading 10 2 .833 Jasper 7 4 .636 De Neri 7 5 .583 Trenton 6 5 .545 Greystock 3 9 .250 Camden 1 9 .100 Schedule for the Week.

Friday Jasper at Greystock. Saturday Trenton at Reading; Camden at De Neri. JASPER WALKS ALL OVER GREYSTOCK IN FAST CONTEST drey's Ferry tatls More Than Doubled In Boih Field and Foul Goal Shooting. BY ASSOCIATED PREPS. Philadelphia, Dec.

12. Jasper doubled on Greystock tonight by fast' playing. The score was 35 to 17. The foul shooting of Kummer was a feature. The scores: Jasper.

Fids. Fls. Assts. Tot MeGraw, forward 3 0 2 6 Kummer, forward 2 17 2 21 Donohue, centre 2 0 3 4 AVohlfarth, guard 2 0 1 4 Eekhardt, guard 0 0 0 0 9 17 8 35 Greystock. Fids.

FR Assts. Tot Boyd, forward 1 5 1 7 MacGregor, forward 3 0 0 6 Cross, centre 2 0 2 4 McWilliams, guard 0 0 0 0 Kirkpatrick, guard 0 0 0 0 McCallion, guard 0 0 0 0 Neill, guard 0 0 0 0 6 5 3 17 Fouls, Jasper, 14; Greystock, 25. Referee, Ktratton. IRE HARD PRACTICE FOR R.S. FIVE The Reading High School basketball squad continues hard practice for the opening gaJne of the season, which takes place at the Armory on Friday evening, Dec.

27, when the Lebanon team will be here. Among the strong possibilities for the team, which has not yet been picked, are: J. Charlton, Hoilman, Hawk, Matten and Ncwstct tor. J. Brown, Butts, D.

Charlton, Fenstermacher, Hendricks, Gaenzle, E. Lerch, Mengel, Snnll and Thompson are other men who are out for READING SOCCER IS READY FOR CARDINGTON With President Judd in the chair, the weekly session of the Reading Association football club was held at 207 North Fourth street Wednesday evening. Arrangements were made to play Cardington next Saturday. The club will go to Philadelphia at 12.23 in the afternoon and they will be accompanied by a number of rooters. Word has been received that the club will be strengthened by the addition of two new players, one of them a player of national repute.

It is expected that he will join the club in time for the game on Saturday. TRJ ST.Vrrc RUMORS. Rumors are flying around that since no meeting of the Tri State Baseball League has been called the league will disband. Usually league has held a time. ton You Need the Money? WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS AVhen selecting a place to borrow money, why not investigate, to see where you get the MOST for your money? AVe make LOANS $10 OR THE READING TIMES, READING, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 13, 1912 BICYCLE EVENTS With the entrance of the bicycle races in Xew York and the close of the football season, the finish of the outdoor season of 1912 is now practically assured.

Followers of the outdoor i game are now turning their attention ito doping out some of the best feats of the year. None, however, compare as well as the performances of the cinder path. Many think that to Hannes Kohle mainen, the wonderful Finnish runner, who made a show of the world's best distance racers three times at the Olympic games at Stockholm, won the distinction but closer study of the year's doings leaves the impression that Ted Meredith, the school boy runner, who smashed two world's records in that heart tearing 800 meter struggle with Mel Sheppard at the same games, deserves the fame of having achieved the greatest track performance of 1912. Xot a soul who saw that grand struggle, in which three Yankee runners hit the finish line within one fifth of a second, contests the statement that the SOO meter championship was the greatest race seen during the progress of the fifth Olympiad. Famed the Title.

Even the Englishmen admitted that It was a struggle the like of which had never been seen before, and in which every man that finished no matter how far back earned the title of champion. Whenever a good English sport was greeted with a kindlv say ing about Jackson's great running in the 1,500 meters, he would come back with: "Ah, but that 800 meters was a finer race to watch and your men finished one, two, three under a blanket." Meredith Xew at Game. It must be remembered, too, that while Kohlemainen went into the Olympic games a seasoned runner full of confidence, and had previously trounced soundly his only serious rival In the distant races, Jean Bouin, Meredith was yet but a "green" school boy. Three months before he had been absolutely unknown, and in reality had run in but one big race in his whole career the SOO meter event at the I Boston try outs a month before. Had SOO meter race been run In a sin gle heat, Meredith would never have won the title.

He said himself before the race that he was at a loss to tell how to run Braun, Davenport and the rest of the wonderful field that opposed him. Won Undying Fame. If Ted Meredith never runs another race as long as he lives, he has won undying fame in the minds of American athletic followers by bringing the world's record for the half mile back into American hands. Though the margin by which he shaved Emilio Lunghi's mark was but 3 10 of a second, it was sufficient. Three tenths of a second means two full yards, an to runners who travel the half mile under 1.53 two years is a big gap.

The best feature of Meredith's record smashing victory was the fact that among Uie foreign athletes who hit the dust before Ted's marvelous speed and strength was lniil'o Lunghi, of Italy, the former record holder. WEST OLEY'S FIRSTJDEFEAT For the first time since the County Quoiting League was formed, the AVest Oley team was defeated on Tuesday evening, when they went up against the Northeastern tossers. The winners had a margin of 27 points. Scores: AVest Oley Hammel and Epler, 129; Frey and Spayd, 172; Dierolf and Clrich, 121; Zeller and Behm, 200. Total, 622.

Northeastern Mell and Rekhert, 193; Stump and Glasshumer, 155; Frantz and Stump, 127; Mell and in past rears the I Giassuurner, total, bi'j. meetine before thiq! The Reading team defeated The Princeton basketball five captured the third victory of the season by downing the Manhattan College quintet on the 2 points. Mohn latter'a courts by 705 to "Hobey" Baker, the Tigers' star halfback, was elected to captain the Princeton eleven in 1913. MORE to anyone keeping house or on salary. From us you not only get the money you need but as long as you want it on terms' to suit you, only paying for the time you use it.

ALSO receiving the same courteous consideration and regard for your interest that a bank would show you. Security Loan Co.J39Penn st. SECOND FLOOR. OVER UMBRELLA STORE OPEN ALL DAY AND EArERY EVENING UNTIL XMAS Don't Cut Your Corn Don't take chances on trimming a corn with a knife. You might lose your whole foot through blood poisoning.

Now the sensible thing to do is to get a bottle of our Infallible Horn Cure It will do wonders in the way of removing that corn and you run not the least chance of blood poisoning. Try it and by its use it will satisfy every doubt. Get it today. 20c 'a bottle. Sent by mail.

ESENWEIN'S DRUG STORE Sixth and Franklin Streets Reading, Pa. I. I RIDES BEC AUSE BROTHER DID ''9 tiV' M4 Mis Uky IPS y' KA 1 I It SLANO RIFLE CLUB TRIMS TRENTON TURNERS FIRST JDOOR SHOOT Match Shot on Range of Turners, and South J'lnd Crowd Wins by Margin of 257 Points. In the first of the series of indoor matches the Island Rifle Club was the winner over the Turners, Thursday evening, on the range of the latter organization, in Academy Hall. The score at the close was: Island Rifle Club, Turners, 3,959.

The match was for tanis of 10 men, each man to have 25 shots at 25 yards. The Island Club showed superiority all around and had no trouble to win by 257 points. This was the third time the teams met. In the first match, with five men teams, at the summer home of the Turners, at 35 yards, the Turners were winners by 9 points. In the second match, with 10 men teams, also at 35 yards, the Island Club were the winners by 67 points.

BACK TRI STATE MA! GET BABB AS MANAGER Trenton, Dec. 12. That Trenton will again be represented in the Trl State Baseball League was definitely settled Wednesday afternoon, AVhen AVillinm J. Morris was elected president of the Trenton Baseball Association, which will conduct the Trenton team here next season. The question of securing a manager for next ye ir was discussed, but nothing was definitely decided upon.

Harry Stcinfeldt, of the Chicago Cubs; Monte Cross, of Scranton; "Doc" Atkin, of Baltimore, and Charles Babb, of Reading, were all mentioned for the Job, but no one was decided upon. Charley Babb, who led the Reading team last season, Is a free agent and it is understood that up to this time Reading has not bid for his services. LYONS. Mr. and Mrs.

James Lesig and daughters. Ardath and Florence, of Topton; Mr. and Mrs. Earle Fegely, of Cressona; John F. Romig, of Down ingtown, and Miss II.

Mary of Marshelton. enjoyed a turkey dinner given bv Mr. and Mrs. John Romig. Mrs.

Peter Dry and daughters, Mildred and Florence, of llottenstein's, and Marv Yenser. of Kutztown, vis ited Mrs. Mary Kemp. Raymond Fegely. of Reading, formerly of town, was here visiting boy companions.

Mr. and Mrs. James Moyer and son, Earlp, visited Mr. and Mrs. John H.

Romig and daughter. Flda. Clarence Hassler, of Lintleld, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hassler and daughters, and Hilda.

Mr. and Mrs. Amos Barto, who spent seven weeks at Allentown, visiting their son, Herbert Barto, and family, are at home for one week, after which they will leave for Philadelphia. The Christmas festival of St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Sunday School will be held on Christmas evening, Dec.

25, VIRGINSVILLE. Rev. D. P. Longsdorf, United Evan igelical pastor, will have German Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock.

i Sunday school at 1 o'clock. A straw party from Hamburg en Joyed a. chicken and waffle supper at the Ontelaunee Hotel, Oscar Hein, proprietor. Mr. and Mrs.

Alfred Schappel visited friends at Kutztown. M. S. Leiby started school teaching at Church. T.

R. Luckenbill is busy butchering for his neighbors in this vicinity. Mrs. Herbert Adams and daughter, Dorothy, are spending a few weeks in Schuylkill county visiting friends. Mrs.

John Becker and daughter, A'erna, are spending a week with Mrs. Becker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Rothermel, of beyond this place. Pleading that he could not get work and wauled to be sent to Jail for the winter, George AY.

Gertzein, arrested in Pottstown for drunkenness, shied when llurgess Brooke offered to get him a job. and he was then given only 30 days. Marr Reeklebe, of Wichita, Kansas, is one of the hundreds of young women who have taken up motorcycling because did." She had watched other men skim ming through the roads and streets and had wanted to "skim" some herself. So, when her brother bought a machine and brought It home, her chance came. "It took me just 15 minutes to learn to ride it," Bays Miss Reeklebe.

"I have ridden hundreds of miles and it certainly is fun. It is even bet ter sport than I thought it would be Ana, not only is it run. it is a healthy exercise for girls. Girls do not get out Into the open air often enough. They have no idea of the pleasure 'and exhiliration of motorcycling until they have tried it.

Whenever I have a few spare minutes I get into my saddle and ride as long as pos slble. I have never experienced the slightest difficulty in operating my ma chine and there has never been a sin gle thing to mar the pleasure of these motorcycle outings. "At first I rode a single cylinder machine. It was great fun. But now I have a' twin cylinder and I enjoy it even more.

I believe in motorcycling for girls for I know it has been of great benefit to me. "My very first trip on a motorcycle was one of nine miles. Of course I have made very much longer trips since then, accident" and I have never had an POCKET BILLIARDS ROUNDUP PARLOR. In one of the special matches of the week Doc Nelson, of Boston, had little trouble to defeat Semansky Thursday evening. The score at the finish was 100 to 63.

Nelson shot unusually well throughout the race and had a high run of 28. This evening Armpriester 1b scheduled to meet Semansky. CATHOLIC L. AND S. U.

Ganster had an easy proposition In a game of the tournament on Thursday evening, for he defeated Musser by a score of 75 to 4 7. Ganster shot a pretty match from start to finish and had a high run of 20 balls. The game this evening will be between Eiler and Rissel. OLYMPIC PARLOR. In the game of the Class A tournament Thursday evening Brubaker was the winner over Reinhold by a score of 75 to 71.

Both men played a stiff game and the score was close to tha end. Brubaker got a lead in the latter frames and succeeded in winning out. Pitcher Tommy Atkins, who was passed down from the Athletics to Baltimore and later sent to Atlanta, has been released by Bill Smith. He found the going in the Southern League a little too much for him and the new leader of the Atlanta Crackers put through a deal sending Atkins to Fort AVayne. Monte Crops, old National, International and State League star, who was selected to manage Haverhill, New England League, last year, and later granted his release, is out with an offer for the Fall River club.

Jay Kirke, the slugging utility man of the Boston Braves, is to be sold or traded by Manager Stallings. Kirke Is a mighty sweet swatter, but is lost when It comes to fielding. Something on the order of Bill Kay and Dode Criss, who lost their big league jobs because they could do nothing but clout the ball, slated to go to Kirke is Atlanta. said to be Owner Navin, of the Detroit Tigers, thinks he has found a phenoni in Pitcher Herman Nichols, of the AVy andotte, team, whom he has recently signed up. Nichols defeated Dubue, Mullin and Blanding In exhibition games last October.

In American League circles Ban Johnson is receiving credit for helping the Red Sox to win the recent world's championship series. It is said that Just before the final game with the Giants in Boston, Johnson, entering the dressing room of the Red Sox, found President McAleer looking gloomily out of the indow. "AVhat's the matter, Jim?" asked the American League president, curiously. "Oh, it's all over, I'm afraid," replied McAleer. "AVe can't win.

The Giants have got us on the run!" "Nonsense!" exclaimed Johnson, Avho, as McAleer left the room, turned to the Boston players and Manager Stahl with a stirring appeal to brace up. Johnson waxed so eloquent that when he concluded his remarks the Red Sox gave him three cheers and then went out upon the field bristling with confidence. MILLMONT. Mr. and Mrs.

George Rothenberger and nephew Cunls Angstadt, of Stowe, visited Mr. and Mrs. AA'ellington M. Schwartz and Caleb Rathman and son, John, are confined to the house with illness. Dr.

Huyette, of Shillington, attends. Mrs. Krick is confined to the house with illness. Dr. Hain, of Shillington, attends.

Mrs. Mary Ann Adams spent a few days in Reading with Mrs. Mary Brise. Paul Schwartz visited his grandmother, Mrs. Ellen Schwartz in Cum ru.

Henry Adams and his cousin, AVillinm McKinno.w of Oakbrook, visited the former's grandmother, Mary Ann AUama. BOWLING READING LEAGUE Standing of the Clubs. W. L. Pins.

Ave. Maennerchor No. 6 283i6 57 24 Greater Reading ....24 6 Wl 22 Crescent 16 14 24T5 S25 Roundup 17 1 27il SL'4 9 Carpenter Steel 11 1" W2 80 23 Maennerchor No. 2.. .11 22 3fl.s7 793 18 Embich 9 1'4 792 10 Eagles 14 19 2S 785 3 Schedule for the Week.

Friday Crescent at Greater Reading. Biggs 151 Snyder W8 Hassler 164 7S5 Roundup. Mae Lean 153 Nubs 153 J. Miller 115 WestU 129 M. Miller 93 lift 157 2e 171 ,2 BOOSTS AVERAGE AT rS Contest In Close and Exciting and Result Is Xot Known Until last Frame Is Played.

On Its home 'alleys, Thursday evening, Maennerchor No. 2 defeated Roundup two games out of three in a match that was pretty to look at. The Germans also took the match by Si pins. Snyder and Hassler rolled the premier games, and the former had the high single 2C3. The scores: Maennerchor No.

2. Dell 149 Hagy 153 147 4H 166 435 150 458 346 61 17S 513 845 787 2417 158 Ifig Its 171 177 S8 154 4Si 125 473 172 470 167 431 713 842 795 2350 POLICE LEAGUE Standing of the Clubs. AV. L. P.C.

Tosev 14 8 .63 Buckley 12 7 .632 Fponagle 9 13 Morris 11 .431 Schedule for the Week. Friday Posey Buckley. RULES THAT ARCANUM ASSESSED ILLEGALLY Reading members of the Royal Ar canum, which has three fiourisning councils In this city, are greatly interested in an appeal to be taken to the L'nited States Supreme Court by the officers of the organization from the decision of the New York Court of Ap peals made this week, finding that the order had not acted legally in raising the insurance assessment levied against Samuel Green, a Brooklyn lawyer, and that the original rate of assessment made against him would have to stand. Lodge Notes. Lady Ruth Lodge, No.

36, A. P. L. postponed installation of officers until Thursday evening, Dec. 19 when grand officers will fee present.

Court A'letory, No. 123, F. of initiated one and received two propositions. Metacomet Tribe received a report of the anniversary committee. Nathan Hale Commandery, No.

elected two to membership. Court Frogress, 116, received one proposition. Camp 329, P. O. S.

of elected one. Camp No. 117 'elected one member. Home Communion, No. 5, elected one.

Sirius Temple, L. G. elected three. GIBRALTAR. William H.

Bitler and Mrs. Harry Helms attended the funeral of Mrs. Kttuffman C. Kurtz, of Hay Creek A'al ley. The funeral was verly largely attended.

The remains of Mrs. Gromis were brought from Reading to St. John's cemetery for burial. The bazaar held by the mission of St. John's Church was a success.

Mr. and Mrs. AVllliam Firing and son, William, of Birdsboro, spent Sun cl with AVilliam J. Kurtz and family. Misses Blanche Rider and Libbie Kurtz attended the dance held by the Birdsboro basketball team.

DRYVILLE. Rpv. and Mrs. A. E.

Youse and chil dren, donn, Aivin anu Miriam, oi Mverstown. who were the guests of Mrs. Youse's parents. Mr, and Mrs. Wilson M.

Barto, returned to their home. Prof. J. C. D.

Koch, of Bowers, organist at the Mertz Church for the past 18 years, will have a meeting In the church on Tuesday evening, Dec. where he will reorganize his choir. Alvin C. Seyler has the finest bunches of celery in this vicinity. It is of the yellow' variety.

Most of It is 26 Inches long, not including the leaves, and is solid. Wilson G. Readinger slaughtered a bull weighing 825 pounds dressed. The hide weighed 103 pounds. Weekly rehearsals are held in Mertz Church by the Dryville Sunday school for the Christmas festival, which will be held Tuesday evening, Dec.

24. SEYFERTS. A number of relatives and friends gathered at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John Gilbert and agreeably sur prised Mrs.

John Gilbert in honor of her 55th birthday anniversary. Music on the piano and parlor games were enjoyed. Before the guests departed they partook of a fine lunch served by Mrs. Gilbert. Those present were: Mr.

and Mrs. AValter Dumn, Mr. and Mrs. lrvin Hart, Mrs. Ileber Clouser, Mrs.

Howard Hart, Mrs. Peter Sassen Mrs. Howard Brown, Mrs. Oscar Miller, Mrs. Howard Burkhart, Mrs.

Anna Hoffmaster, Mrs. Thomas Ray, Misses Etta Geiger. Florence Gilbert, Martha Dumn, Marion Clouser, Naomi Brown, Sarah Burkhart. Bertha Ha fer; AVilliam and Harry AVestley, Leon Clouser, Myers Dumn, Howard Hassler, Chester, Isaac Russel and Karl Burkhart, Howard Miller and Claude Miller. Acknowledging his guilt.

Harry Gilbert, 22 years old, of Pottstown, whs committed to Pinestown prison for forging the name of John Bossert to a check. i A LOANS 40 antil Up We have made special arrangements to supply housekeepers, worklngmen and salaried employes of Reading and vicinity with CHTUSTMAS money, quickly, quietly and confidentially without a bit of uss, bother or delay. MO ASSIGNMENTS or REFERENCES ww ENDORsem*nTS or PLEDGES. When you borrow from us you have no worries or regrets. Particularly In time of sickness or loss of work do our customers appreciate the courteous, considerate treatments they receive at ail times from the AMERlCLtN.

LOWEST RATES EASIEST PAYMENTS No payment need be made until after January 1st, 1913, on account opened before Christmas. Call, write or "phone. Con. 'Phone 817 B. Bell 1744.

American loan Co. Rooms 20 21, Second Floor Front 634 Penn Street OVER REAR'S COMFORT SHOE STORE, OPEN EVERY EVENING. MONEY Not every boxer who has beaten a champion has been credited with the title, and many a pugilist who never had any. claim to a championship hus gayly paraded as the titular head of a class. In the featherweight division three men who won the title beyond all doubt never were credited with the championship.

They are Solly Smith, the champion of the class until the fol lowing year, when he met Dave Sulli van at Coney Island, smith suffered broken arm in the fifth round, was compelled to stop and Sullivan became the champion. Three months later Dixon took on Dave at the Lenox A. C. in New York, and beat him decisively, the negro thus regaining the title, which he held until he was knocked out by Terry McGovern. After Y'oung Corbett retired from the featherweight division in 1 904 and threw his hat into the lightweight ring, Atte'l claimed the featherweight honors.

Among those who disputed the claim was Brooklyn Tommy Sullivan, who proceeded to put Abey to sleep in five rounds, thus winning the title. In 1908 Abe knocked out Silllvan in four rounds, regaining the honors. Through refusal of the authorities to recognize Solly Smith as the American title holder he lost a chance to flcht Ben Jordan for the world featherweight title. Dixon A jury in Civil Co 1 1 at Norfistown has uwarded Anna Greene, of New burg, $1,500 damages for injuries received in being jolted from a trolley car of the Reading Transit Company, in Conshohocken. Her husband, Frank Greene, was awarded $225.

The men of St. Aloysius Catholic Church, Pottstown, voted to place a $20,000 mortgage on the church, to provide for the building of a parochial school, and elected Archbishop Pren dergast trustee. Making a misstep In the darj. William of near Congo, Montgomery countj 25 feet, to a concrete floor in fiis barn, and fractured a leg so badly that amputation may be necessnry. A 1,100 pound steer which escaped from O.

M. Wachter, Pinedale, is running so wild in the Rlue Mountains THE I A Won From Champions But Failed of the Title Johnny Conlon .1907 Retired undefeated. Featherweight Class. George Dixon "..1592 197 Sollv Smith 1 1S97 1S9S Dave Sullivan 1898 3 months George Dixon ls.S ti Terrv McGovern 19K1901. A'ouiig Corhett 1901 19ii4 Title lapsed, Corbett going into iigni tvpic'Vit blasts.

Dnte Sullivan and Brooklyn Tommy Abe Attell. claimant 3898 8 months Sullivan Smith cot de Brooklyn Tommy Sullivan 194 19n5 clsion over George Dixon, at weight, in San Francisco, in 189, ana was Abe Attell 190S 19U Johnny Kilbane 1911 Lightweight Class. forward for a match with Jordan and JacK uempsev wag unnrji inc bout took place between the time Dixon lost his American title to Smith and the bout in which lie regained it from Sullivan. Although Jordan went home convinced he had won the world's title, he was mistaken, for Dixon was not the American champion at the time the bout took place. The following table shows the number of years American champions in their various classes held their titles: Bantamweight Class.

Period. George Dixon 1SS9 1S92 Titlp lapsed till 1S94, Dixon going into featherweight class Abe Hicken 1S6S 1S72 Arthur Chambers 1872 1S7J Title laosed till 18S5. Jack McAuIiffe 1SS5 1S91 Kid Lavigne 1S! Frank Erne 192 Joe Gans 192 1H Battling Nelson 1908 19IO Ad Wolgast J910 1912 Willie Ritchie 1912 Welterweight Class. Paddv Duffy, of Early Eighties Title "in abeyance till 094. Tommv Ryan 1S94 1S: Kid McCoy 1 1W Title lapsed till 3898.

McCoy going into the middleweight class. Mysterious Bill Smith 189S 19H0 Rube Ferns 1900 10 months Matty Matthews ....3900 '01 7 months Rube Ferns 19ftl 7 months Joe Walcott 19i)l l4 Dtxie Kid 1904 190 Title In abeyance, with no contenders Jn sight. Middleweight Class. Tom Chandler 1W7 186 George Rooke lSfiS 1S7t Vflkn rVirmvsn 1S74 was put Title lapsed till 1884. Mike McCool iTom Allen Jlmmv Barry PW sPS Joe Goss Terry McGovern.

1S9S 1S99 Paddy Ryan Title lapsed till 1901, McGovern going into John L. Sullivan featherweight class. 'James J. Corbett Harrv Korbes 1901 1903 Robert Fitzslmmons Frankie Neil 1 903 1905 J. Jeffries Title laosed till 1907, Neil eoing into feath Burns erweight class I Jack JSM 1 George La.

Blanche Inxs imi Bob Fitzsimmons Itttt lOT Title lapsed, Fitzslmmons entering heavyweight class. Tommv Ryan, claimant 1S97 1907 Rvan retired undefeated in 1907. Stanley Ketchell, claimant 19ff7 Billy Papke 49 days Stanley Ketchell 1908 19 Title lapsed with the death of Ketchell, and open to competitors. Chief contenders, Eddie McGoorty, Frank Klaus and Mike Gibbons. Heflvweight Class.

Tom TTver 1S41 1849) Yankee Sullivan John Morrisey John C. Heenan Joe Coburn James Dunn 1X49 1 S5.4 1W3 1S.A7 lSo7 1ii't 1S63 1V5 1Sv lS' lS! 18f! 1SH9 1S7S 17li lSSi) 18SO 1SS.2 WMS'U 1K92 1W 1897 1KM l99 1iJ 1907 1908 Johnson 1908 1912 that nobody can get near enough to shoot the animal. Borough' Treasurer Jonathan Y. Keck has beeri elected director in the National bank of Pottstown, to flll a vacancy caused by the death of George AY. Land is.

Henrv Pagel has resigned as assistant chief of Norristown fire depart ment. Thirtv nine new members have been added to the rolls of Norristown Chamber of Commerce. M. Jones baa been re elected president of the Firemen's Union and Relief Association, of Norristown. Charged bv Miss Bertha AVeidner with assault and battery.

Mrs. Mary Shirey, of Pottstown, was held for court. LATEST INVENTION! Important for ladies and gents all days of the year is CRYSTAL CLEAR at 25c only, for mirrors, goggles and eyeglasses; a cleanser and polisher that is unsurpassed and guaranteed non injurious to the eye. Crystal Clear applied once a day prevents your eyeglasses from becoming blurred by steam, frost or mist, in all conditions of weather. Also kills all insects and flies; best cleaner for all mirrors; only 25c.

Wholesale and retail, by COHEN Jewelers And Opticians, 52S Penn Square B. W. Goltschalk Mfgr. Chicago All buyers and stores of this Crystal Clear will be advertised for 3 months in 2 papers daily. SOLE AGENT FOR READING: WILLIAM LEH TWO STORES: S.

tor. Sixth and Franklin, 14 South Sixth Street.

Reading Times from Reading, Pennsylvania (2024)


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